Modi also directed officials to work closely with the state governments to make sure of proper awareness at state and district levels and directed to continue...
A Bengaluru-Patna GoFirst aircraft, which was carrying 139 people on board has made an emergency landing at Nagpur airport on Saturday morning after the captain witnessed...
The veteran spinner while bowling changed his tactics and started to release the ball from the stumps for an early sharp spin. While doing that ran...
Malik claimed he has been being stalked by some unknown people, that while he was on a trip abroad, some people caught two persons in a...
According to a senior health department official, the deployment of a drone to transport medicines in Meghalaya was done on a trial basis.
However, the railways slowly started to resume the cancelled trains, and as of yesterday trains were running in full flow, but after this action, the public...
LIVE Top News Today: From big breaking news to political news, you will get your daily dose of the latest updates here.
To encourage people to enroll in the electoral roll, the CEO of Delhi is holding a special camp this weekend from 10 am to 5 pm...
Prior to the tax cuts, petrol and diesel prices had risen by more than Rs 26 per litre since January 1, 2021. Check fuel prices on...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for an emergency meeting with the top officials on Saturday on the Covid situation amid the concerns over the new...