Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially inaugurated the Z-Morh tunnel, also known as the Sonamarg tunnel, in Jammu and Kashmir, marking a significant milestone in enhancing connectivity...
The Maha Kumbh Mela 2025, recognized as the largest spiritual congregation globally, has commenced in Prayagraj at the revered Sangam, the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna,...
He was also the father of Justice Riyaz Chagla, a sitting judge of the Bombay High Court.
Somnath Suryavanshi, who was arrested following unrest in Parbhani related to the vandalism of a replica of the Constitution, died on December 15 after being hospitalized...
Pilot further mentioned, “Our goal is to ensure individuals are placed in fields related to their training, thereby helping them to enhance their skillset.”
The Minister also highlighted that approximately 6,000 post offices have been opened nationwide. He emphasized the importance of reviving the tradition of handwritten letters, which he...
Following his visit to India, it appears that President Subianto may not travel to Pakistan as initially planned, due to concerns raised by New Delhi.
The 70-member Delhi Assembly is scheduled to hold elections on February 5, with results expected to be announced on February 8.
The event coincides with National Youth Day, which celebrates the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.
However, it was noted that there would not be any hasty decisions by the new BCCI leadership, especially with the Champions Trophy 2025 approaching in just...