Bihar Chief Minister, after holding a review meeting on the matter with top officials, directed a team to go to Tamil Nadu and carry out confidence-building...
In the raid of the Anti-Corruption Wing, about two crore rupees have been recovered from the office of KSDL and in the raid from the house...
As per the reports, the 76-year-old was admitted due to bronchitis and her condition is currently stable.
Supreme Court lawyer Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha presented his side on behalf of Azam Khan.
She further said that those people who want to vote out BJP will vote for TMC and further suggested BJP will face the same fate which...
Anurag Thakur said that Rahul Gandhi might have hatred towards the Indian Prime Minister, but this conspiracy to defame the country from a foreign soil, raises...
Rahul Gandhi also claimed that restrictions were being put in place in the Parliament, press, and the Judiciary in the country. and said that the people...
It was reported that Kumar was caught receiving kickbacks in order to get a deal to buy raw materials used for making soap and detergent. As...
With the first set of Assembly polls over, the heat is in the Opposition camp, particularly the Congress, to come up with better strategies in the...
Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha also won from Bardowali seat where he beat Congress-fielded Ashish Kumar Saha. He is predicted to be the Chief Minister of...