BJP’s Amit Malviya on Saturday took to Twitter to upload a clip from Rahul Gandhi’s Aarti ceremony during the Bharat Jodo Yatra and remarked that Aarti...
The Prime Minister was personally monitoring this case, my sources have confirmed this, but he could not do anything, Kejriwal said.
The reports say that the suspended officer, Ajit Kumar, was jail superintendent of jail number 7 in Tihar jail and was from DANICS cadre.
When Asif Mohammad Khan was asked about permission from the Election Commission regarding crowd and address etc, he became aggressive and started manhandling while abusing SI...
The BJP, on the other hand, refuted Sisodia's assertions, saying the AAP was frustrated and was trying to win public sympathy.
According to the police reports, Sandeep had asked for a ticket for the Delhi Municipal Corporation elections, but did not get it.
Such a verbal slip-up cannot occur frequently. Maharashtra won't submit quietly, and the Central Government needs to understand that, Thackrey said.
AIMIM chief also said that the murder of Shraddha Walkar was a key issue in the BJP's MCD election campaigns in the nation's capital.
He said the Delhi Police and the prosecution are working vigorously to look for Shraddha Walkar's murderer, who killed her fiercely and chopped her body into...
Rahul Gandhi will also meet the descendants of Tantya Bhil during his Bharat Jodo Yatra.