South Indian film director SS Rajamouliis currently is in the United State to promote one of his iconic movies RRR which has been shortlisted for various...
Due to argument of the accused, other passengers on the flight were also troubled, who also complained to the pilot several times
Railways have cancelled 271 trains and as many as 29 trains, including Rajdhani Express trains, have been delayed.
According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board, the 24-hour average AQI at 10 am was 414 in Delhi.
According to reports, the plea by the petitioner will be heard in the coming week by the Division bench of Delhi High Court.
A shocking incident has been reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Sultanpur, where a mother sacrificed her 4-month-old child by shovel after falling into the trap of black...
Though the incident occurred in November, the airline did not file an FIR until at least six weeks later.
The Lucknow Police on Sunday arrested the party's media cell worker Manish Jagan Agarwal for allegedly making objectionable remarks on Twitter through the party’s social media...
Senior Uttarakhand officers will take part in the review meeting through video conference as well
This increased the number of cabinet members in the state to nine.