Shop owner Ujjwal said that it took 5 hours to prepare this 8 kg samosa. It took one-and-a-half-hours only to deep fry the samosa in the...
Shyam went to buy milk from Mayur Vihar's street number 24 shop when suddenly the accused brought a five-liter can and threw acid at him.
During the show, Salman Khan tells Katrina Kaif that he wants to spy on Vicky Kaushal if he turns into a ghost one day.
What's even more gross and shocking is that the public behind the Tata's loading mini truck that was seen dragging those boys were busy staring and...
Previously, the NCB had raided Bharti’s residence in Lokhandwala’s Andheri and were able to recover cannabis weighing 86.5 grams after which the couple admitted to consumption...
Although a separate gate has been made for VIP entry here, but due to some reason it was closed.
The tractor-trolley driver did not apply brakes but accelerated the truck, crushing all three.
Faruqui has been jailed, his shows cancelled and has also faced public backlash for allegedly hurting religious sentiments.
Another user added to the outrage of the aspirants as he went on to remark that it has been so many years of independence but our...
Twitter will create a council with "widely different perspectives," according to Musk.