In an alleged incident of medical negligence, a pregnant woman in Krishnanagar town of West Bengal’s Nadia district was reportedly forced to deliver her baby on...
A man shared photos on social media of a flat left by an educated bachelor in a complete state of disarray.
Bollywood actor Chrisann Pereira, who was arrested in a drug smuggling case earlier this month in United Arab Emirates’ Sharjah city, was released on Thursday.
In a bizarre and hilarious scenario, a young man in Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh was arrested by the police after he faked his own kidnapping...
There are reports that the confirmed contestants might leave the city in May to shoot for the show.
The news was shared by the Australian High Commissioner to India, Barry O’ Farrell who twitted the pictures terming Ratan Tata as a Titan of business,...
Singhare added that the man later changed the story and presented it before the family saying the child accidentally hit the bucket filled with boiling water...
PM Modi retweeting a video posted by another user termed it an exceptional talent and creativity and wrote that the video can bring smile on everyone’s...
It was found out that the accused woman had posed herself as a man to cover her identity and enter into the wedding venue to carry...
The man identified as 72-year-old Christopher Chapel from the United Kingdom, he had spent Rs 17.83 lakh(17, 500 pounds) for his round the world trip.