Luv Ranjan's film seems to follow suit with his previous projects such as Pyaar Ka Punchnama and Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweeti as the director, once...
A viral video is doing rounds on social media platforms, where a young man was seen breaking all the traffic rules, putting his life in danger,...
According to police’s statement, the incident happened on the side of a road near Musi river around 5 pm. According to reports, three bike-borne men came...
The Bajrang Dal members can also be seen shoving away the woman relative of the man who is pleading for mercy.
The men can also be seen surrounding the two women as they go on to chant Jai Shri Ram slogans. One of the two girls can...
Numerous mouthwatering foods may be found in Bihar. Whether it’s the well-known Litti Chokka or Dal Pitha, the unique taste of dishes can easily make one’s mouth...
A viral video come into the limelight, where a woman in her 80s was seen paragliding for the first time. Her bold and adventurous decision left...
The two have been at loggerheads ever since Shiv chose Priyanka over Nimrit as the contestant who should receive the week's captaincy and a ticket to...
A video is doing rounds on the social media platform, where a man was seen giving tough competition to the women in belly dancing. It is...
Fans swarmed the comment area with red hearts and fire emoticons as soon as Akshay Kumar shared the much anticipated trailer on social media