The actor was recently in Goa to attend the International Film Festival. While talking to the media, Pankaj Tripathi expressed his opinion on many issues with...
The incident transpired in Rampur Garden Colony and the victim's family has accused BJP leader Arjun Kumar Aggarwal and his men of being involved in the...
Rupali Ganguly, the lead of the show, has yet again won the hearts of her million fans with her performance in the latest episode.
On the occasion of Naga Chaitanya's birthday, the makers have shared the first poster of his film Custody.
After the video went viral, the Bareilly police came forward to share that the incident was reported on October 28. The Police also informed that a...
The boy, in the interview, also stated that it took him four months to invent it and further added that initially, he showed it to just...
The video also shows the speeding car, after ramming into the school girls, heading toward a shop and ramming straight into it. The video also shows...
‘Guthlee Ladoo’, directed by Ishrat R Khan, casts actor Sanjay Mishra in a significant role.
A scary yet heart-wrenching video has come into the limelight, where a man was seen ditching serious injuries while walking in front of a small group...
Even though the influencer stated that the purpose of his post was to raise awareness, internet users rightfully called out his content as sick and criticized Aarush Gupta...