Parvesh Verma, despite being called out on his lies, continues to thread another one as he says that the worker who works there daily doesn’t see...
After the video went viral, a user came forward to remark and highlight that the fuel prices have been spiking up overnight, showing his solidarity with...
The thorough address by Amit Shah to tackle crime also called to attention about the establishment of the National Forensic Science University and urged all the...
The DM further cautioned that if she finds more such bad quality material, she will launch an investigation against the contractor. The DM further can be...
The fire haircut is the latest trend wherein hairdressers use fire, instead of scissors, to cut and style a person’s hair.
Even today, there are many families who are forced to live without electricity and water due to poverty.
Reports said that the truck driver suddenly applied brakes due to which the bus crashed into the vehicle.
The first video shows a woman who was seen wearing a black gown punching a man in a white suit. In his defense, the man tried...
A police official said that they were investigating the matter. The cause of the accident is yet to be ascertained.
After the video went viral, the police also took cognizance of the case as they came forward on their social media and added that in the...