PM Modi on Thursday also had a telephonic call with Russian counterpart Putin in which he appealed for an immediate cessation of violence. He appealed for...
Russia Ukraine War: Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a war in Ukraine. He even said that clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces are inevitable. He...
Russia Ukraine War: A piece of relief news has come to light for the Indian nationals who are stranded and stuck in Ukraine that the government...
Russia Ukraine Crisis: It is reported that a dozen of infants were being looked after in the neonatal unit were moved to a storage room that...
Russia Ukraine War: The situation in Ukraine has been deteriorating. Amidst this, Ukraine MP Sophika Fedyna sought pharmaceutical aid from India.
Russia Ukraine Crisis: In the video, the woman was seen asking Russian soldiers who are you? To which, one of them replied and said that they...
Russia Ukraine War: This crisis has prompted reactions from celebrities like Cardi B, Sonu Sood, Stephen King, among others.
Amid this, a video from Kyiv has been going viral over social media showing Indian students who have been left stranded in Ukraine were seen requesting...
On Thursday, the Brent crude prices topped the $105 per barrel mark Thursday for the first time since September 2014. On the other hand, the Bombay...
Russia Ukraine War: Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced a war in Ukraine. He even said that clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces are inevitable. He...