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Ban on Yasin Malik’s organization is a ‘detrimental step’: Mehbooba Mufti



Mehbooba Mufti

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]People’s Democratic Party chief and J&K former CM Mehbooba Mufti slammed Centre’s decision to ban the Yasin Malik-led Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act on Friday (March 22).

The Front was banned for allegedly promoting secessionist activities in Jammu and Kashmir. The front’s chief, Yasin Malik, is under arrest and is currently lodged in Jammu’s Kot Balwal jail.

Apart from Mufti, other political parties of J&K too criticized the central government decision of imposing ban on Yasin-led JKLF.

Mufti said the ban is a detrimental step. “Yasin Malik renounced violence as a way of resolving Jammu and Kashmir issue a long time ago,” Mufti tweeted. “He was treated as a stakeholder in a dialogue initiated by then PM [Atal Bihari] Vajpayee ji. What will a ban on his organisation achieve? Detrimental steps like these will only turn Kashmir into an open air prison.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]National Conference leader Omar Abdullah said: “For [four and a half] years Yasin Malik isn’t a threat, Jamaat Islami isn’t a threat, Pakistan National Day is a function that must be attended. Now suddenly once an election is announced an immediate U-turn is executed.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Earlier on Friday, India had decided to boycott the National Day reception at the Pakistani High Commission to oppose the invitations sent to several Kashmiri separatist leaders.

National Conference youth President Salman Sagar said the ban on the Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front “has weakened the idea of secular and federal India”.

“Due to these events it’s difficult for the mainstream parties to plant the seeds of faith among masses regarding Indian democracy. May good sense prevail upon people at the helm,” said Sagar.

Hurriyat chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq denounced the ban. “Such anti-Kashmir tactics will not change the reality of the Kashmir issue nor the urgency to resolve it,” he tweeted.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Election Commission books BJP MP Tejasvi Surya for seeking votes in the name of religion

Tejasvi Surya was booked by the Karnataka chief electoral officer for seeking votes in the name of religion in a video posted on X.



Bengaluru South sitting MP and BJP’s candidate from the same seat Tejasvi Surya was reported to the chief election officer of Karnataka for uploading a video on X in which he asked for votes based on religion.

Karnataka Chief Election Officer tweeted on Friday during polling in the crucial seat where Tejasvi Surya MP is running against Congress’s Sowmya Reddy. He tweeted, case is booked against Tejasvi Surya MP and Candidate of Bengaluru South PC on 25.04.24 at Jayanagar PS u/s 123(3) for posting a video in ‘X’ handle and soliciting votes on the ground of religion.

Tejasvi urged people to cast votes and utilize their right to do so on multiple occasions. He released the last video at 2:00 PM, mentioning Ram Mandir in addition to border security and Article 370 in his plea to make the most of the final four hours of voting.

Earlier, Tejasvi gave an 80%–20% parallel to implore BJP supporters to turn out in large numbers at the polls. Only 20% of the BJP’s 80% voter base actually turned up to vote. C ongress’ voters are 20 % but they come out and vote 80%.  He added, in most circumstances, this is the actual situation at the polls. Telling the impportance of vote he said that every votes counts. He also urged to vote and added if you don’t, then 20% of Congress will undoubtedly be doing so.

Meanwhile, Karnataka recorded 50.93% voter turnout till 3pm, with Bengaluru South recording 40.77%. Up till 3 pm, Udupi Chikmagalur had the highest turnout (57.49%), Hassan had the next highest percentage at 55.92%, Dakshina Kannada at 58.76%, Chitradurga at 52.14%, Tumkur at 56.62%, Mandya at 57.44%, Mysore at 53.55%, Chamarajanagar at 54.82%, Bangalore Rural at 49.62%, Bangalore North at 41.12%, Bangalore Central at 40.10%, Bangalore South at 40.775, Chikkballapur 55.90%, and Kolar 54.66%.

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2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Mallikarjun Kharge writes to PM Modi seeks time to explain Congress’s Nyay Patra

Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge wrote an open letter to PM Modi and said the Prime Minister is being misinformed by his advisors



Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge wrote Prime Minister Narendra Modi a letter on Thursday, requesting an explanation of the ancient party’s Nyay Patra.

In support of the Congress manifesto, Kharge said that the Nyay Patra aims to give justice to marginalised people from all castes and communities, including women, children, farmers, and labourers.

The Congrss president said, PM’s  advisors are misrepresenting things to him that aren’t even included in our manifesto. Kharge said, he would be more than happy to meet with him in person to explain thehir Nyay Patra’ so that, as prime minister of the country, he dosen’t make any statements that are false.

It has become his  habit to seize on a few words taken out of context, create communal divide, Kharge added.

The Congress leader said that he is neither shocked nor surprised by the language used by the prime minister, in reference to Modi’s recent addresses.

It was expected that the PM and other leaders from his party would start speaking in this manner after he saw the dismal performance of the BJP in the first phase of the elections, he continued.

The impoverished and their rights have been a topic of discussion in Congress (nyay). We know that you and your administration do not care about the underprivileged and destitute, he remarked.

Continuing his attack on the prime minister, Kharge said, PM’s ‘suit-boot ki sarkar’ works for the corporates whose taxes you reduced while the salaried class pays higher taxes. The poor pay GST even on food and salt and the rich corporate claim GST refunds. That is why, when we talk of inequality between the rich and the poor, you are purposely equating it with Hindu and Muslim.

Following the criticisms made by the prime ministers in their recent election speeches, Kharge has responded. Modi has not held back when criticizing the main opposition party at his rallies, accusing them of scheming to redistributing assets and referring to the Congress manifesto as a “imprint of the Muslim League.

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2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Bollywood actor Neha Sharma campaigns for her father Ajit Sharma in Bhagalpur, Bihar

The Bollywood actor posted a video on her Instagram handle which showed her journey through various districts of Bihar, including Kishanganj, Banka, Purnea and Katihar. She was dressed in a traditional salwar kameez and was seen greeting and encouraging the public to cast their votes.



Bollywood actor Neha Sharma’s recent participation in a roadshow in Bihar has taken the internet by storm. Sharma, known for her roles in films like Tum Bin 2 and Crook, was seen supporting her father, Ajit Sharma, who is contesting from Bhagalpur Lok Sabha seat on a Congress ticket. The roadshow came amid speculations that the actor might enter politics. But, it is now clear that she was just campaigning for her father.

neha sharma

The Bollywood actor posted a video on her Instagram handle which showed her journey through various districts of Bihar, including Kishanganj, Banka, Purnea and Katihar. She was dressed in a traditional salwar kameez and was seen greeting and encouraging the public to cast their votes.

The actor received a warm reception and love from a large crowd in Pirpainti and Kahalgaon during her roadshow. She wrote on Instagram that it is said when someone gives one a place in their heart, then they live there forever. She said her heart is full of all the love and support she was receiving from the people. She thanked the people for the warm welcome she got in Pirpainti and Kahalgaon. Aapka pyar sar ankhon par.

Another video, circulating on social media showed the actor actively participating in her father’s election campaign in Bhagalpur. The election to the Bhagalpur Lok Sabha seat is set to take place in the 2nd phase on April 26. Ajit Sharma is representing the Congress and is up against JDU’s Ajay Kumar Mandal in this seat.

Earlier, there had been rumours and speculations that Neha Sharma might join politics. But many reports have clarified that she is not making her political debut yet. The Bollywood actor had been offered the opportunity to join politics by her father Ajjit Sharma but she is currently focusing on her acting career.

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