Rahul Gandhi took a fresh salvo at Twitter, days after the social media platform locked his account. The Wayanad MP shared a one-minute-34-seconds long video on...
Afghanistan witnessed a series of terror attacks in the last few weeks as the United States looked to complete the withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan...
As the Taliban offensive escalates and Afghanistan reaches a dangerous turning point, the Afghan government negotiators in Qatar have offered the Taliban a power-sharing deal in...
Union Minister Anurag Thakur on Thursday said the Opposition should apologise to the nation for the throwing rulebook at Rajya Sabha Chair and standing atop tables...
Flag Rally organizes at Noklak Noklak, the newest district of Nagaland organized a Flag Rally at Noklak town on August 11 in commemoration of the 75th...
Opposition leaders marched to Vijay Chowk from Parliament to protest against the government on scores of issues including the alleged manhandling of their MPs, Pegasus and...
Afghanistan witnessed a series of terror attacks in the last few weeks as the United States looked to complete the withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan...
Chief Secretary Ram Subhag stated that all persons intending to visit Himachal shall carry their Covid-19 Vaccine certificate (double doses) or a negative RT-PCR test report...
Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nityanad Rai, informed the Lok Sabha on Tuesday that two persons from outside Jammu and Kashmir have purchased two properties...
Directed by B2gether Pros, the music video features Sahadev along with Badshah, Aastha and Rico in an absolutely fun and colorful setting that will surely make...