The Bharat bandh called by Dalit organisations turned violent on Monday, April 2. Four persons were killed in Morena, Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh and violent protests...
Mudda panellists feel Dalit stir should not be allowed to get violent With parties getting ready for elections in 2109, the sizeable Dalit votebank has become the...
An FIR was registered against BJP leader and Lok Sabha MP Pralhad Joshi for making inflammatory comments against Muslims in Karnataka which is in the midst...
~ By Rashme Sehgal and Shubh Arora India has been rated a great startup destination. Its rankings in the ease of doing business have risen to...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Several BJP leaders have come out in defence of Mahesh Vikram Hegde, co-founder and editor of right-wing propaganda website Postcard News which has been shown to...
Muddapanel discusses pros and cobs of re-exams, explore ways and means to make system leak-proof Two days after news came out that two CBSE question papers...
The spate of leaks in a multitude of sectors raise serious questions about the security of the individuals, the future of students and youth and the...
As the Congress and BJP continued to trade charges on unauthorised leak of data of users of their apps, the Congress pulled down its app from...
Air India flies over Saudi Arabia to reach Tel Aviv The ties between India and Israel have witnessed a major jump when two capitals were connected...
Bagging 28 of the 58 Rajya Sabha seats for which elections were held on Friday, March 23, the BJP further consolidated its position as the single...