Anurag Kashyap enjoyed watching Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s 12th Fail on Disney+ Hotstar after being unable to see it in theatres. The director lauded Chopra for creating a masterpiece at 71 years of age.
Anurag Kashyap, shared his review of 12th Fail, writing, at the age of 71, Vidhu Vinod Chopra Films has crafted a masterpiece out of a simple story of an adamant man wanting to be more than what life gives him. Probably the best mainstream film I’ve seen in 2023. He goes and gets what he wants, when he wants it.
He wrote about how seeing the movie play out made him feel like a fly in a wall. The film’s director defies every mainstream tradition, as evidenced by the crowd scenes at Mukherji Nagar, which are shot in simple, long takes that give the impression that the camera was there to observe the action without interfering with the mood.
Anurag Kashyap continued, it just felt like they were fly on the wall watching the movie play out.
Speaking on 12th Fail’s music and how Vidhu Vinod Chopra raised the bar for filmmakers, he continued, Mainstream cinema always avoids using minimalist background scores.
The director’s trust in himself, his actors, and his storytelling is demonstrated by the fact that he refrains from using the BGM to control the audience’s feelings. A filmmaker at this age, and at the height of his storytelling. Therefore, he too has hope now.
For filmmakers like him who have been feeling a little lost, VVC has set a new standard, Kashyap added. Bravo to all the actors and the entire staff, which he is not familiar with, he said.
The film 12th Fail is based on the same-titled novel. The story centres on Manoj Kumar Sharma, an IPS officer (portrayed by Vikrant Massey), a young guy from a low-income town who fails his exams in the twelfth grade. Manoj is adamant about realising his goal of joining the Indian Police Service (IPS) despite this setback. The movie chronicles Manoj’s journey as he faces obstacles including societal shame, poverty, and scholastic failure before achieving his objective.