In a shocking turn of events, a 24-year-old man named Arshad allegedly murdered his mother and four sisters at a hotel in Lucknow, citing harassment by neighbors and land mafia in their hometown, Budaun. The gruesome act has sparked outrage, with Arshad claiming in a chilling video that he committed the killings to protect his sisters from being trafficked.
The victims include Arshad’s mother, Asma, and sisters Alia (9), Alshia (19), Aksa (16), and Rahmeen (18). The accused, arrested at the crime scene, confessed in the video that he choked and slit the wrists of his family members, reportedly with the help of his father.
Allegations of harassment and trafficking
In the video, Arshad alleged that local land mafias had captured their house and planned to sell his sisters. “Our family has been harassed for months. We were forced to sleep on the footpath in the cold while our house was taken over. They planned to frame us in false cases and sell my sisters. I had no choice but to protect their honor,” he claimed.
He named several individuals allegedly involved in the harassment, including Ranu, Aftab, Aleem Khan, Salim, Arif, Ahmad, and Azhar. According to Arshad, these individuals were involved in illegal land deals and trafficking.
Plea for justice and allegations of systemic failure
Arshad appealed to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for justice, claiming that his family had repeatedly sought help but to no avail. He expressed his desire for a temple to be built on their land and their belongings to be donated to an orphanage.
The video also revealed Arshad’s desperation, as he suggested plans to end his life after committing the murders. “We did not get justice in life; at least give us justice in death,” he said, urging strict action against those responsible for their plight.
Police response and investigation
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Central Lucknow, Raveena Tyagi confirmed the murders occurred at Hotel Sharanjit. “The accused, identified as Arshad, allegedly killed five members of his family. The local police promptly apprehended him at the scene,” she said.
Forensic teams have collected evidence from the crime scene, and investigations are underway to verify Arshad’s claims.
The video, whose authenticity remains unverified, has sparked widespread debate about systemic failures and the alleged nexus between local land mafias and authorities.
A community shaken
The incident has left residents of Budaun and Lucknow in shock. Calls for a thorough investigation and justice for the victims have gained momentum. Meanwhile, authorities are examining the veracity of Arshad’s allegations against the named individuals and the extent of harassment the family endured.
The tragic incident raises questions about the societal and systemic factors that might have led to such an extreme act, underscoring the need for a swift and impartial probe.