Tensions are flaring in the latest season of Bigg Boss 18, as a brewing conflict between Chahat Pandey and Eisha Singh has taken center stage. The show’s latest promos revealed a clash involving the mothers of both contestants, escalating drama within the house. Chahat’s mother, Bhawana Pandey, has now stepped forward to express her grievances, criticizing Avinash Mishra and others for what she calls “character assassination” of her daughter.
Drama unfolds in Bigg Boss 18
In a recent promo, Chahat Pandey made a lighthearted remark about Eisha Singh’s closeness with Shalin Bhanot, suggesting that fans were speculating about their relationship. This did not sit well with Eisha’s mother, who immediately rebuked Chahat for tarnishing her daughter’s reputation.
However, the tensions extend beyond the show. In an exclusive interview, Bhawana Pandey accused Avinash Mishra and some of Chahat’s co-contestants, including Eisha Singh and Alice Kaushik, of defaming her daughter. She also criticized the show’s producers for not addressing these issues adequately.
“Bigg Boss is about personalities, not just strategies”
Reflecting on her appearance on the Salman Khan-hosted show, Bhawana said it was Chahat’s dream to share this experience with her. She emphasized that Bigg Boss is less about strategy and more about showcasing genuine personalities.
“The winner should be someone society admires for their character, not just their game plan,” she said.
Accusations against Avinash Mishra
Bhawana expressed shock over Avinash Mishra’s alleged behavior toward Chahat. “I don’t understand why he is targeting her. His derogatory comments and attempts to demean her are appalling,” she said. She also alleged that Avinash’s friends, including Eisha Singh and Alice Kaushik, had previously tried to link Chahat with another contestant, Arfeen Khan, whom Bhawana described as a father figure to her daughter.
Criticizing the show’s makers, she said, “The production team didn’t provide the same support to Chahat that they extended to Avinash during the Kashish Kapoor matter. It’s deeply disappointing.”
Resolving differences
While Bhawana expressed a willingness to meet other contestants’ parents to resolve conflicts, she drew a line when it came to Avinash Mishra’s family. “There’s no point talking to them. I don’t even want Chahat to work with him in the future,” she stated.
Defending Chahat
Addressing allegations that Chahat was responsible for Avinash’s exit from a previous project, Bhawana dismissed the claims as baseless. “If she had caused his exit, why would he be immediately cast in another show by the same production house? These accusations are just attempts to malign her reputation,” she said.
Hope for fair play
Bhawana also reflected on the eviction of Digvijay Rathee, a close friend of Chahat’s in the house, calling it heartbreaking. “I hope the remaining contestants play fair, and the audience alone decides the winner. Only then can we truly find someone deserving,” she concluded.
As the final days of Bigg Boss 18 approach, the drama is at an all-time high, with the spotlight firmly on Chahat Pandey and the controversies surrounding her journey.