By Disha Jain:
Acne is a very common skin problem. It is triggered by a hormone inside your skin. The name of the hormone is androgen, which stimulates sebum production. This skin issue is more common during puberty age. So, to combat this issue, you try to find out many remedies but are unable to find any good solution for it.
Here we are giving you some skincare tips that can help you protect your skin from acne. These are simple remedies that you can follow for getting glowing skin.
Use a moisturizer
If you are dealing with an acne problem, then it is important to keep your skin hydrated. Moisturizer helps in locking the moisture content in your skin. Also, it prevents your skin from drying further. However, many moisturizers contain oil and other irritating ingredients. Therefore, you should always check the ingredients before buying a moisturizer. There are also acne-prone products that you can try for your skin.
Drink plenty of water
Well, if you want to prevent acne problems in your skin, then hydration plays a significant role. You should stay hydrated all day. Drink plenty of water as dehydration can make your skin dull. Due to lack of water, skin appearance looks dull. You should at least drink 8 ounces of glasses of water each day to keep yourself hydrated.
Apply less makeup
It seems quite tempting to apply makeup on pimples. But, doing so may clog pores and can trigger outbreaks. Therefore, you should apply less makeup to your skin to keep it healthy. If you are looking to apply makeup, then you should apply concealer or foundation that is non-alcoholic and fragrance-free so that your skin doesn’t become irritated.
Avoid touching your face
This can be tough for you. But if you have pimples on your face, then you should avoid touching your face. this is because it can transfer bacteria into your skin. Try to wash your hands before touching your face. This is one of the most important skin care tips.
Apply tea tree oil
Tea tree oil contains essential components that can kill certain bacteria inside your skin. It helps in increasing white blood cells to promote healing on your skin. You should few drops of tea tree oil to the inflamed area on your skin. Also, you can add free drops of cleanser to it.