PM Modi said that from January 3, India will start rolling out Covid-19 vaccines for children in the age group of 15 to 18 years. Covaxin...
While announcing the vaccine for children he also announced a precaution jab for the frontline workers, health workers and people aged 60 years or above.
Those affected with the Omicron variant either had mild symptoms or were asymptomatic. Know which state leads the countrywide count of a highly contagious variant of...
Brucellosis is a bacterial infection caused by various Brucella species that mostly infect cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, and dogs. Know about the Brucellosis infection in detail...
As Omicron cases are on a daily increase, experts are again urging people to use masks made up from the materials that meet the health criteria....
Delmicron is the combination of delta and omicron variants which is considered to be the highly spreadable variant. Can Delmicron emerge in India? What are its...
In India, 6,317 fresh COVID cases and 318 new deaths due to the virus in the past 24 hours have been reported says report.
The study examined the Covid cases reported in November and December and compared them with those cases that are caused by Delta variant against those caused...
S-gene RT-PCR can now be used to detect all other kinds of Covid-19 variants including Omicron. Here's how effective it is from the regular RT-PCR. Know...
Poonawalla said that the vaccine manufacturing company Serum Institute of India is likely to launch the Novavax in six months.