The sequel of Mohit Suri's 2014 film, Ek Villian Returns, has got a release date. The film will feature John Abraham, Disha Patani, Arjun Kapoor, and...
In a match between Kolkata Knight Riders and Delhi Capitals, Rishabh Pant almost smacked his KKR counterpart Dinesh Karthik, while batting in Sharjah on Tuesday.
During a debate on Punjab Congress's power tussle, there Time Now TV ancgor Navika Kumar used objectionable words for Congress leader Rahul Gandhi. Although she has...
Additional District and Sessions Judge Mansoor Ahmed said in the judgment that Tanvir has committed blasphemy by not considering Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet of...
In a country where cricket considered to be a religion, who knew watching IPL can change lives? Ashok Kumar, a barber from Bihar's Madhubani district became...
Smoking, high fat, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or obesity are the biggest causes of heart attack but many other reasons can also trigger a...
On the night of 28th September 2016, the Indian forces had entered the border of Pakistan and launched the biggest surgical strike on terrorists camps in...
Lionel Messi scored his first goal for Paris Saint German against Manchester City in a Champions League match on Wednesday, and secured a 2-0 win over...
Punjab: In the four-minute-long video, Sidhu also said that he is fighting for the truth and will continue the fight till his last breath.
In the fabricated image, the date of the issue was mentioned as September 26, 2021, and the timing coincided with PM Modi'S trip to the US.