The case against the Malayalam actors will be taken over by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the cases against film personalities following the report of...
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was founded in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar in Nagpur on Vijayadashami.
The oath-taking ceremony will be held at the Dusshera ground at 10 am in Panchkula Sector 5.
Gandhi said in a post on X that the Mysuru-Darbhanga train accident mirrors the horrific Balasore accident, in which a passenger train collided with a stationary...
Additional Superintendent of Police (West) Sanjay Rai said the teenager was held hostage and raped on Sunday last week.
Her comments came amid the buzz over the Opposition parties considering making the Leader of Opposition’s post rotational in the Lower House.
The official informed that Agniveers Gohil Vishwaraj Singh, 20, and Saifat Shit, 21, were killed in the blast.
"The party would also sweep upcoming Assembly elections in Maharashtra and Jharkhand," Nadda said.
The appointment was made during a meeting held in Mumbai and was agreed upon by the board of Tata Trusts.
Stopped from visiting the JPNIC, at around 10.30 am, a bust of Narayan, mounted on a vehicle, was garlanded by Yadav on the road packed with...