The Delhi High Court on Tuesday granted time to Faisal Farooq to file his reply in a plea filed by Delhi Police seeking cancellation of his bDelhi HC...
The Centre on Tuesday informed the Supreme Court that a decision on whether or not to hold this year's Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) exams...
The Supreme Court on Monday allowed the Annual Jagannath Rath Yatra to be held on June 23, 2020 only at Puri. Jagannath Temple Management Trust and...
The petition has been filed by two advocates Diva Pal Singh and Advocate Anubhav Singh contending that the funds are contrary to the National Disaster Response...
The Delhi Police on Monday opposed the bail plea of Safoora Zargar, M.Phill Student in Jamia Milia Islamia who was arrested under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention)...
Gujarat HC Says No Rath Yatra This Year In State
India and China will hold top military talks on the Chinese side of the border to discuss the Galwan face-off and other points of dispute.
Petrol and diesel prices were again increased on Monday, the sixteenth straight hike after state-owned oil marketing companies returned to daily reviews from June 7 following...
Many states have doubled, or in some cases even trebled, the number of Covid-19 tests being carried out. The state governments have also increased the number...
India's Covid-19 tally stood at 4 lakh 25 thousand 282 today after 14 thousand 821 fresh infections and 445 deaths, the highest so far, were reported...