On this auspicious day, it is believed that Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi resided in the Amalaki tree, also known as Indian Gooseberry. Devotees observe fast...
With a new day comes new energy. Read today’s astrological prediction to know what’s in your store today. Here's the horoscope for March 13, 2022.
There are 12 zodiac signs. Check horoscope for March 12, 2022 and see whether stars are in your favour or not.
The best source of VItamin D is fatty fish flesh and fish liver oils. Besides this, cod liver oil, salmon, swordfish, tuna fish, oranger juice fortified...
World Kidney Day is a global campaign that is celebrated on March 10, 2022, to raise awareness about the importance of kidneys in our bodies. It...
There are total 12 zodiac signs. Each sign is ruled by one unique planet. Check the astrological predictions for March 9, 2022, and see whether stars...
There are 12 zodiac signs. Each one of them is ruled by a unique planet. Here' stars have come to guide for this week. Check the...
No smoking day 2022 revolves around the theme of quitting smoking doesn't have to be stressful. It ensures that people are educated enough about the process...
As time goes on, life tends to throw tought tasks ahead. And at times, people fail them and break. Growing back can be a task. However,...
International Women's Day is celebrated annually globally on March 8. To celebrate this day, here are some inspiring and powerful quotes by female celebrities.