Over 8.69 lakh posts were up for grabs in these polls. Of these posts, more than 7.32 lakh seats were in the gram panchayat wards, 58,176...
The host countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, UAE, France, Thailand and Taiwan have been helping India in its fight against the second wave...
On allegations relating to his role in the 2018 riots, he said, he has an accused of violence and not murder. He said two people died...
However, Banerjee is trailing in Nandigram where Banerjee is contesting against the BJP’s Suvendhu Adhikari, who exited Trinamool Congress last year in December.
Following the allegations of land grabbing, Telangana Health Minister Eatala Rajender has been divested off his portfolio. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao will now handle the...
Not only the states like UP, Bihar and Delhi but also the whole health infrastructure of the country is struggling to deal with the growing number...
Tamil Nadu is waiting for 1.5 crore Covid vaccine doses, Bengal too is running low on vaccines while Telangana too has said it's running low on...
On Sunday, the Wayanad MP asked the ruling BJP via tweet that not to turn India into a victim of its system in the fight against...
This oxygen shortage has led to over 20 patients dying within hours at Delhi’s Jaipur Golden Hospital Friday. Similarly, six patients died in Amritsar after a...
Incidentally, KCR tested positive days after he attended a massive rally for the Nagarjunasagar assembly by-election. Over 60 political leaders who attended the meeting had tested...