A video has emerged from Telangana’a Karimnagar that showcased a wild bear roaming around the residential area in the city, creating panic among people. The video...
The Aarya actor posted a video of her father Subir Sen receiving the degree on Instagram. She thanked Techno India University and Shri Narayana Murthy for...
The video has emerged from the screening of the Satya Prem Ki Katha in Australia.
A biker stopped in the pouring rain for saving a cow who was stuck in the mud.
Two loving bystanders approach the cricketing legend and eagerly outline the path. Dhoni pays close attention to the instructions despite his fame and stature.
Bollywood star Sunny Deol’s fans gathered in huge numbers outside multiplex single-screen theatre in Bihar’s Bargainia.
The story of Gadar, which told the love story of Tara Singh played by Sunny Deol, and Sakina played by Ameesha Patel, Gadar 2 tells the...
A real life journey of Rocky and Rupali, who recently shared their own story on Twitter.
Rani Mukherjee revealed earlier this year that her daughter Adira was born two months premature and had to be admitted in the NICU
The storyline follows Kanti Sharan Mudgal, portrayed by Pankaj Tripathi, an individual deeply devoted to Mahakal (Lord Shiva), who runs a pious shop near a temple.