The show has had 5 episodes yet and all of them were filled with some raunchy and juicy conversations for the viewers, episode 6 with Arjun...
Alphabet Inc's Google services faced a massive global outage on Tuesday morning. According to the outage tracking website, the Google services including Google Search, Google...
The festival of Rakshabandhan (Rakhi) is celebrated on the full moon date of the month of Sawan. This year Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on August 11,...
The first month of the Islamic New Year is Muharram, which marks the beginning of a new year. Here are some heartfelt quotes for you to share...
The closing ceremony in Birmingham is to take place on Monday, August 8.
Richa further explained how the couple are very excited to get married but are worried about COVID hence they want to design their plans while being...
The first week of the premier league season was Jam-packed with a lot of action and a nail biting performance by the teams and players, with...
Vish's soulful singing video has racked up approximately 6 million views and more than 550k likes on Instagram.
As we celebrate the greatest cheerleaders of our lives on August 7, here are wishes, quotes, and greetings for you to share with your best friends...
Har Ghar Tiranga is a campaign under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to encourage the people for hoisting the tricolour at home to mark the 75th...