Main Atal Hoon has been directed by National Award winning director Ravi Jadhav, the film presents a compelling drama that unfolds the life of the late...
According to a Railways official, an inquiry has been initiated against the concerned TTE.
Union Minister Anurag Thakur took to X platform and shared a photo with Teja Sajja. The minster called the film HanuMan a cinematic masterpiece and lauded...
Fighter promises to be an aerial action drama, and Hrithik Roshan’s new poster has heightened the excitement among fans. The film is set to offer a...
In the teaser, the viewers see Bhumi Pednekar as Vaishali Singh, who is a fierce investigative journalist, on the quest to uncover a heinous crime, laying...
After spotting deepfake videos of himself, legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar few days back shared the video and asked people to report it, as it was a...
The Indian team swept the three-match T20 series against Afghanistan after defeating the latter by 6 wickets at Holkar stadium in Indore on 17th January. India...
Kerala Police registered a case against a groom who arrived for a wedding on a camel.
The cold war between the two leaders did not stop there, Tharoor further said at a cost of Rs. 1,000 crores, Delhi IGI Airport got a...
Delhi CM will visit the temple after the Pran Pratishtha ceremony because his parents are eager to see it. Kejriwal said, his parents are eager to visit to Ayodhya,...