In a surprising turn of events during the municipal elections in Uttarakhand, former Chief Minister Harish Rawat was unable to cast his vote due to his...
The voter turnout this year was recorded at 62.5 per cent. The counting of votes will take place on March 10. This year, the counting process...
Uttarakhand assembly leader Pritam Singh said that this video makes a mockery of democracy, a man at an army centre is seen ticking and signing several...
In the morphed picture used by the BJP, the former CM Harish Rawat has been shown as a Muslim cleric.
The APN News team has talked to the Uttarakhand Congress campaign committee chairman Harish Rawat on various issues related to their party campaign, strategay, CM face...
Earlier, there were reports that he was likely to contest elections from the Didihat seat. This decision was taken by Congress leaders in a meeting that...
Rawat is currently in the national capital as he is being summoned by the party high command. Rawat said that there is some sort of course...
The upcoming assembly polls are right at the doorstep and ahead of that, the Congress party seems in trouble. Recently, Uttarakhand Congress leader and former CM...
With assembly elections just months away, politicians are jumping ship from one party to another party like there is no tomorrow. Christmas almost here but Goa...
The Communists may have been reduced to Kerala but for Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the ideology still poses a threat. In the last sitting...