On the evening of the incident, the body of the father who was identified as Laiju Nanda was located near a hotel which was located right...
A 30-year-old Thiruvananthapuram man Anoop was the first winner of the lottery. He won Rs 25 crore with ticket number TJ-750605. He will get Rs. 15.73...
K K Shailaja claimed that she had received a letter from the Magsaysay award committee and that the central committee of CPM had decided to forego...
As soon as he accepted the bribe, the vigilance officials rounded up Joseph, but he somehow managed to escape.
Judge S Krishnakumar said that there was no adequate proof that the woman's honour and dignity had been damaged in order to file a complaint.
About 75 monkeypox deaths have been reported in Africa, mostly in Nigeria and Congo, where a more lethal form of the infection is spreading than in...
The incident happened in Kerala's Kollam district at the Mar Thoma Institute of Information Technology, Ayur.
The disease is reported in a 31-year-old man.
The footage of the incident was caught on the CCTV camera in which it is seen that a Kerala man came on a bike and hurled...
The leader at a rally said High Court judges are getting shocked after hearing the slogans of the Alappuzha rally because their innerwear is saffron.