Platform: Zee5Genre: DramaDirector: Ashwni Dhir In Ashwni Dhir’s latest directorial venture, Hisaab Barabar, the central theme revolves around a common man taking on an unjust system—an...
As the weekend draws near, OTT platforms are serving up an exciting variety of new content to keep you entertained. With genres ranging from lighthearted romantic...
As the 97th Academy Awards nominations were unveiled, Indian cinema found itself with mixed fortunes. While the much-anticipated Oscars saw the inclusion of one Indian film,...
A secondary plotline, focusing on suspicious activities at the Iranian mission to the United Nations, adds a further dimension to the already multifaceted narrative, broadening the...
This marks Monga's third Oscar nomination, adding to her impressive track record with previous wins for "The Elephant Whisperers" and "Period: End of Sentence," both of...
Combs' legal team argues that the defendants acted with malice, intentionally disseminating these falsehoods for personal gain and without regard for the devastating consequences for their...
A subsequent post revealed a touching photograph of Dev and Aarti at Nepal's Kamakshya Temple, the apparent location of their engagement. Clad in red shawls and...
She expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of love and concern but stressed the importance of verifying information before sharing it, emphasizing the potential for misinformation...
The film's production journey began in July 2024, initially known as "Production No: 6." The official title was unveiled in September 2024, coinciding with the commencement...
Directed by Laxman Utekar and produced by Dinesh Vijan under Maddock Films, Chhaava is more than just a historical drama; it's a visceral and emotionally charged portrayal of...