The trailer for the film and music, which were screened at the event, won the heart of the audience, who attended the event. This murder mystery...
Happy Birthday Randeep Hooda: The actor’s journey.
After earning around Rs 10.05 crore on Friday, the film saw a big rise on Saturday, grossing Rs 18 crore. In its opening week, the film...
According to reports, the pair is thinking about having their wedding at the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, which is also where Priyanka and Nick Jonas...
Ahead of the meeting with CM Yogi, the actor said, he will watch the film with the CM. On the film’s success, he said, it’s God’s...
A source familiar with the project said, the team has found a story from the 1971 Indo-Pak conflict that has yet to be portrayed on the...
During the first week after its release, Gadar 2 brought in 284.63 crore. The movie has so far brought in 304.13 crore at home theatres.
In his tweet, the Chief Minister said he met Elvish Yadav today at Sant Kabir Kutir, the CM's residence.
In the video, Sunny, casually attired in grey travel clothing and donning a black bucket hat, found himself surrounded by fans eager to capture photos with...
Upon its global release on August 10, Jailer raked in an initial Rs 48 crore nett in India across all languages. It experienced a slowdown on...