Renowned Kannada TV actress Chetna Raj passed away at the age of 21. According to reports, Kannada TV actress Chetna Raj has lost her life due...
World Hypertension Day is celebrated every year on May 17 to make people aware of this rapidly growing disease across the world. Let us know in...
National Dengue Prevention Day is an initiative by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to spread awareness about the mosquito-borne disease and its prevention...
Dengue disease is caused by the bite of the Aedes mosquito and in this, the platelets start decreasing rapidly in the patient's body. If the platelets...
This is a rare viral disease that creates rashes and blisters on the infected child's body that are usually red in color and hence the name...
According to experts, Monkeypox is a rare virus. Symptoms of flu have been seen in the person suffering from it. If someone's condition worsens, then he...
World Thalassemia Day is observed every year on May 8. The day was first organized in 1994 by the Thalassemia International Federation (TIF). The event was...
WHO released the report of Covid-19 deaths in the country from January 2020 to DecembWHO released the report of Covid-19 deaths in the country from January...
India is witnessing a surge in Covid-19 cases with each passing day. In the last 24 hours, India reported 3,545 fresh Covid-19 cases and 27 fatalities.
Diabetes occurs when the sugar level in the blood becomes too high. Diabetes is a disease that brings with it many other diseases. Common symptoms of...