As Delhi gears up for the upcoming assembly elections on February 5, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released the second installment of its election manifesto, promising...
In a significant security operation last night, 20 Maoists, including a high-ranking leader with a Rs 1 crore bounty on his head, were killed in an...
In a significant step toward legal reform, the Uttarakhand Cabinet, led by Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, has approved the manual for the implementation of the...
In a chilling case of a relationship gone horribly wrong, a local court in Kerala has sentenced a 24-year-old woman, Greeshma, to death for poisoning her...
In a heartwarming and private ceremony, former Olympic javelin champion Neeraj Chopra has revealed his marriage to Himani Mor, a rising tennis star. The announcement came...
In a significant legal development, the Supreme Court of India has granted interim relief to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi by staying the defamation proceedings against him...
As the Sealdah court gears up to pronounce the sentence for Sanjay Roy, convicted of the brutal rape and murder of an on-duty doctor at R...