Mohan Bhagwat also said that Savarkar was not an enemy of Muslims, in fact, he wrote Ghazals in Urdu.
APN Top News: From big breaking news to the viral trends, here you will find the top news of the day:
Reports claimed that Ali hails from Pakistan's Punjab province and has been trained by Pakistan’s ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) and was living with a fake ID of...
As per the 4pm update, the DMK is leading in 121 District Panchayat ward member seats and 201 Panchayat Union ward member seats while the AIADMK...
The government on Tuesday has decided to remove the capacity restriction on domestic flights and allowed them to operate with full capacity from October 18, this...
In his speech, PM Modi said a selective approach towards human rights dents the country's image. Human rights are grossly violated when the people are viewed...
If the Drug Controller General of India approves the recommendations of Covid-19 Expert Committee then it will be the second vaccine cleared for use on kids...
APN Top News: From big political news to viral trends, APN Top News provides you with the top news of the day in this blog.
In the IPL 2021, the RCB were one of the most consistent teams and finished the league stage on third due to its net run-rate behind...
In a shocking incident, a Flipkart customer who had ordered an Apple iPhone worth Rs 53,000 from Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale was left shocked after...