The Panchayat secretary also added that after the incident on Saturday, Thakur with his entourage again reached the Dalit man’s home and attacked him on Sunday.
A man can also be seen making it out alive out of the collapsing bridge. As for the driver of the JCB bulldozer, it was according...
The video of this unique yet exceptional type of teaching has been making rounds on the internet. The internet has exploded in admiration for the teacher,...
A Twitter while watching the video remarked that it seemed as if the dog was waiting for the child to come out so that it could...
One Twitter user came forward remarking on the issue and said that on one hand the officers (higher officials) and their families lead a life of...
However, the casteist statement made by the YouTuber can be seen as a slip of the tongue where he might have wanted to say Chori Chakari,...
the locals have staged protests in front of the resort owned by Arya and have demanded the resort be bulldozed
Falguni on her Instagram account reshared the stories put up by fans who disliked and showed their disapproval toward Neha Kakkar’s song and added how the...
The video from the CCTV camera has enraged many social media users as Twitter users came forward and highlighted to the honorable Chief Minister of UP...
Nupur Shikhare and Ira Khan were attending Nupur’s Ironman race in Italy, which is considered one of the toughest and hardest races for any person to...