Aravindakshan, in his letter to the CM, also added that the short teaser portrayed Kerala as a Terrorist state and also highlighted that if the movie...
The accused fled from the spot after the incident.
Pashmina is the daughter of music director Rajesh Roshan, who is Hrithik Roshan's uncle.
Police is investigating who has put up these posters in the city and why, but so far the reason behind the protesting is not clear.
The reports state Kalpana, who is reportedly set to travel to Dubai for an international kabaddi tournament in January, said she used to take kabaddi classes...
MP Mishra said that some parties say that they will waive water tax, but we have to pay water tax because the water level is going...
The girl can also be heard saying that the couple is over 18, implying that they are both consenting adults who know about their choices. The...
Patna City ASP Amit Ranjan said the cause of the fire is yet to be ascertained, but they are currently investigating to find the reason.
The reports state the accused used to like Shamim's girlfriend, and when he refused to leave her, he murdered him.
But that was not the only terrible accident from the day, a woman who came to bath in Ganga's Konhara Ghat in Hajipur suddenly fainted.