Pragya expressed her concern and replied to a few questions raised by Twitter users. Pragya said she was denied the opportunity to open a new bank...
A visual shared by a Twitter user showed Sant Parmananad Hospital, Civil Lines Delhi completely submerged.
The reason for the accident was due to a short circuit near the exit. Chief fire officer (CFO) Pradeep Kumar said the fire broke out because...
In the 9 second video clip, two kittens could be seen sitting on a table which is placed in a garden.
Many have said that humanity is still alive. The department has shown its true spirit and dedication toward duty. In the past, several such videos have...
In the video Vishwanathan Anand is seen ordering a Subway sandwich.
A woman from the crowd, frustrated with the poor management in the area, loses control and hit the MLA. People also questioned the MLA over the...
The PVR Cinemas has now introduced discounts and has slashed the prices for several food items and beverages.
Netizens opined that the centuries old Panchvaktra temple stands strong in extreme floods while the modern structures are just collapsing.
As locals were seen crossing the bridge in a mess situation, however, few people were seen cleaning the mess as various stems and branches moved with...