Following the accident, the police reached the location of the crime and shifted the body to a hospital. The car driver has been identified as Sumer...
In a bizarre incident that left commuters, including women and children, embarrassed, advertisements on TV screens were replaced by an adult clip at the Patna Railway...
Raveena Tandon has left her fans awestruck with her beauty and charm as she danced to her blockbuster song.
In the viral video, the Marathi actor can be heard saying that men face immense pressure while women pick and choose partners who can provide a...
Cyber criminals reportedly embezzled more than Rs 12 lakh from a woman in Thane city of Maharashtra, police said on Friday.
A speeding car rammed into a parked truck on Mumbai-Pune Expressway near Urse village on Friday morning, leaving three people dead, police said today.
She is a former actress and was a popular social media star until she decided to quit showbiz more than two years ago, and got married.
Infatuated with Lawrence Bishnoi, two minor girls reportedly ran away from their home to meet the notorious gangster who is currently incarcerated in Punjab’s Bathinda Central...
In the now-viral video, the couple was seen posing for the camera while the car was running on ADAS mode.
In a shocking incident highlighting the toxic patriarchal mindset still prevalent among the Indian society, even in metropolitan city like Delhi, a woman living in national...