Bollywood actors Janhvi Kapoor and Sunny Singh will be entering the reality show and will also go inside Bigg Boss 16 house to play fun games...
While talking about his upcoming film Pathaan, he said that if the audience likes this film, then he will definitely think of making its second part.
On asking the reason for her suicide, Satna SP Ashutosh Gupta said the girl told the officials that she only wanted to scare her boyfriend as...
Suresh was trafficked to Delhi and was sold off for a price of 70 thousand rupees suggests the reports. Suresh, also adds that he was made...
The accused has been identified as Sandeep Singh and was arrested immediately.
As per the notification issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the number of MCD wards has come down to 250 this year from 272.
Until the air quality improves, all schools in the National Capital Region (NCR) will be closed.
Mili marks Janhvi Kapoor’s third solo release after Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl and Good Luck Jerry.
Vadra added that these were the scams mushrooming under the BJP rule and that this party BJP can make everything possible for the industrialists but there...
Crooned by Sameer Khan and Seepi Jhan, the song is the remake of Saif Ali Khan-Kajol's song Hothon Pe Bass.