The film industry is overjoyed as the renowned actor reaches a year older today. They expressed their affection and birthday wishes for Tabu by writing sincere...
The cop drama's co-star, Ranveer Singh, who is also expected to appear with Deepika, has expressed his thoughts on the poster.
Vijay Salgaonkar, played by Ajay Devgn, and his family as they travel on an unexpected adventure in Drishyam. On October 3rd, they leave Panaji after attending a Satsang, enjoying...
The song captures the true essence of love. It tells a heartwarming story about the relationship between the leads Ishita Raaj and Priyank Sharma
Maidaan features Ajay Devgn as football coach Syed Abdul Rahim.
Naatu Naatu became the first song from an Indian film to win the Academy Award for Best Original Song.
Bhoola will hit the theatres on March 30, 2023 in 3D and IMAX.
MM Keeravani going to compose the original soundtrack of Neeraj Pandey's upcoming film.
Bankrolled by Ajay Devgn Ffilms, Reliance Entertainment, T-Series Film and Dream Warrior Pictures, the film is slated to hit the silver screen on March 30, 2023.
The evergreen Tabu looks stunning as a badass cop, as Ajay Devgn shared another teaser of his upcoming movie Bholaa today.