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Modi takes Gujarat’s first sea-plane ride, rivals take digs





On last day of campaigning for Gujarat Assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is first passenger in sea-plane ride from Sabarmati Riverfront to Dharoi Dam

Hours before campaigning was scheduled to end for the second phase of the ongoing Gujarat Assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi threw security protocols to the wind to take the first-ever seaplane ride from Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati Riverfront to Dharoi Dam in Mehsana district. Both Ahmedabad and Mehsana are scheduled to go to polls on December 14.

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Modi claimed that he decided to take the seaplane to Dharoi Dam – and then back to the Sabarmati Riverfront – because the Ahmedabad police had denied him permission to carry out a road-show in the city as part of his poll campaign for the BJP. On Monday, he had announced at an election rally: “Tomorrow for the first time in the history of the country a seaplane will land on the Sabarmati river. I will go to Ambaji in the sea-plane after landing in Dharoi dam and come back (sic)… Our party had planned my road show tomorrow. However, the administration has not given permission and I had time so I decided to go to Ambaji in the sea-plane.”

The Prime Minister had added: “We cannot have airports everywhere, so our government has planned to have these sea-planes.”

Of course, the Prime Minister made a slight exaggeration, or at least a misrepresentation, by claiming that this was “for the first time in the history of the country that a seaplane will land on the Sabarmati River.” Union ministers Nitin Gadkari and Ashok Gajapathi Raju had already beaten Modi to enjoy the first seaplane ride of the country at least three days earlier. Gadkari, the Union minister for surface transport who is said to be the brain behind the seaplane project, had even posted on Twitter his photographs taken on-board the seaplane operated by SpiceJet.


While the Prime Minister certainly would have thought that his seaplane adventure would make for good publicity, his critics didn’t seem to share the same view.

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah alleged that the Prime Minister, a Z+ category security protectee, had broken security protocol by flying in a single-engine aircraft.


Both Jignesh Mevani and Hardik Patel have been strident in their criticism of the BJP and Narendra Modi. The duo have also asked their followers – the Dalits and Patidars – to vote out the BJP and instead support the Congress in Gujarat. Mevani is contesting the polls as an independent candidate, with support from the Congress and several other Opposition parties.

Never one to miss the chance of taking a swipe at Narendra Modi, RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav too had a one-liner for the Prime Minister’s seaplane sojourn – one that was laced with political innuendo.


While the taunts and digs by Hardik Patel, Jignesh Mevani and Lalu Prasad were veiled, newly elected Congress president Rahul Gandhi was more scathing and direct in his attack at the Prime Minister’s seaplane ride.

Addressing reporters in Ahmedabad, Rahul Gandhi – who was on Monday declared president of the Congress party, a charge that he will formally take over from his mother Sonia Gandhi on December 16 – said: “Elections are in Gujarat and that should remain the main agenda. If Modi ji wants to fly in a seaplane… there is no problem with that but it is a distraction. The real question is what has been done for the people of Gujarat in the last 22 years. Why don’t they talk about development anymore?”


2024 Lok Sabha Elections

PM Modi says Congress leaders consider themselves above Lord Ram

PM Modi slammed Congress during a rally in Chhattisgarh, ahead of the Lok Sabha elections 2024



Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the Congress party for declining to attend the pran pratishtha ritual at the Ayodhya Ram temple on January 22 this year.

The prime minister said Congress leaders consider themselves above Lord Ram and denied invitation for Pran Pratishtha at Ram Temple, while speaking at a rally in Janjgir-Champa, Chhattisgarh. The PM question the people present at the rally that is it not a disrespect of Mata Shabri? Congress leaders inclination toward appeasement politics runs in their family.

For political appeasement, they won’t think twice about stealing the rights of Adivasis, the poor, and Dalits. Poor, young, and women are BJP’s top priorities, Modi said.

PM Modi criticized the Congress again during the rally for claiming that the BJP would alter the constitution.

The leaders of Congress recite the same old phrases whenever an election is about to happen, the PM said. He also said they claim that if the BJP wins power, it will renounce the constitution and abolish reservations. For how long will you continue selling lies?” he asked.

The prime minister continued saying that nobody can change the Constitution, even if Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar were to come and insist on it, it wouldn’t happen.

Those in the Congress threaten to break Modi’s head. Nobody can harm Modi as long as the mothers and sisters of this county stands by him. These mothers and sisters are Raksha Kavach, Modi remarked.

The prime minister further attacked the Congress after Viriato Fernandes, the party’s candidate for South Goa, asserted that Goa was forced to adopt the Indian Constitution.

Referring to his conversation with Congress leader Rahul Gandhi ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Fernandes said he had told him, when Goa was liberated in the year 1961, the Indian Constitution was forced upon us.

The prime minister said, Congress candidate from Goa says Constitution was forced upon Goans; is this not an insult of Ambedkar and Constitution.

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2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Amit Shah says neither Congress nor Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee can interfere with CAA

Amit Shah revealed the BJP’s target for West Bengal and said they have set a target of winning 35 Lok Sabha seats from West Bengal.



Union home minister Amit Shah on Tuesday said neither Congress nor Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee can interfere with the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). He was speaking at the Karandighi rally in West Bengal where he also made the prediction as to how many seats BJP will win in the Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal.

The union home minister asked the masses to cut the money culture. Amit Shah revealed the BJP’s target for West Bengal and said they have set a target of winning 35 Lok Sabha seats from West Bengal. In 2019 Lok Sabha elections the BJP had won 18 out of 42 seats in West Bengal. He asked Mamata Banerjee, what problem will she have if the Buddhist and Hindu refugees from Bangladesh get citizenship in India?

Shah further added if the people of West Bengal want to stop infiltration in the state, then they will have to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India again. He said if the people of West Bengal want to free Bengal of violence, stop infiltration in the state, give citizenship to refugees, to stop disrespecting mothers and sisters of the state as it happened in Sandeshkhali, then  only way is to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister.

Amit Shah said that PM Modi had sent Rs 7 lakh crore to West Bengal but the TMC indulged in corruption. He said one can see the houses of Trinamool Congress leaders; 10 years ago they used to live in a hut, moved on cycle and now all of them have 4-storey houses and move around in big cars. He added this is the money of people of West Bengal.

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), will make it easier for non-Muslim refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh to get Indian citizenship, was enacted in 2019. But the rules were notified in March this year by the Centre.

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2024 Lok Sabha Elections

Prime Minister Narendra Modi says listening to Hanuman Chalisa under Congress rule is a crime

PM Modi was addressing an election rally in Rajasthan’s Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, on a day as India celebrates Hanuman Jayanti.



Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday hit out at the Congress and said even listening to Hanuman Chalisa has become a crime under the party’s rule. The Prime Minister also said it was difficult to follow one’s faith under the party and accused it of hatching a deep conspiracy to snatch people’s wealth and distribute it among selected few people in the society. PM Modi was addressing an election rally in Rajasthan’s Tonk-Sawai Madhopur, on a day as India celebrates Hanuman Jayanti.

PM Modi said in a state like Rajasthan where people chant Ram-Ram, Congress banned Ram Navami. He reffered to the redistribution of wealth remarks he had made during a rally in Rajasthan’s Banswara on Sunday and said it has angered the Congress and INDI Alliance so much that they have started throwing abuses at Modi everywhere.

The Prime Minister said that Congress has written in their manifesto that they will survey the wealth. He said the Congress leadership had said in a speech that an X-ray of wealth will be done. He added when Modi exposed the secret then the hidden agenda came out and this has left the people trembling. PM Modi further added that the Congress party has played with the Constitution of the India.

He said when the Constitution was drafted, reservations based on religion were opposed, so that Scheduled Casts (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) could get protection. He said former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh had said that Muslims have the first right to the country’s resources.  The prime minister further added Congress’s ideology has always been of appeasement and vote bank politics. He said stones would still be pelted in Jammu and Kashmir, and enemies would still be cutting off the heads of India’s soldiers had Congress been in power.

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