At least 10 schools in Kanpur received threatening emails on Wednesday which triggered panic in the city. This comes after a number of such emails threatening schools and hospitals with bomb blasts in many cities across India, including Delhi were received. The emails have come through servers which are based in Russia.
According to reports, the emails threatened to blow up the schools. The district administration has rushed the bomb disposal squad to the schools in order to sanitise the premises. Joint Commissioner of Police Law and Order, Harish Chander said the police’s cyber cell is investigating the matter.
Speaking to the media, Chander said the Kanpur Police received information about a bomb threat to various schools. The cyber cell is investigating the matter. All officials have been instructed to monitor CCTV footage thoroughly to establish a link between this threat and previous bomb threats which were received by multiple schools, airports and hospitals.
He also urged parents not to a panic. On Tuesday, 8 schools in Bengaluru received emails threatening bomb blasts. Last week, the city’s popular hospital chain, St Philomena, received a bomb threat email. All these bomb threat emails later turned out to be hoaxes.
Bhavan Bangalore School, Bengaluru Scottish School, Deeksha High School, Jain Heritage School, Chitrakoota School, Edify Schools, Giridhanva School and Gangothri International Public School were among those that received the threat email from the same domain,
Delhi’s GTB Hospital, Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital, Hedgewar Hospital and Dada Dev Hospital also received bomb threats via email. The city’s administration scrambled bomb detection team, the bomb disposal squad, fire department and the local police to conduct searches. Over the last one month, Indira Gandhi International Airport, over 20 hospitals and more than 100 schools across Delhi-NCR region have received such threats, but all of them turned out to be hoaxes. On Monday, over 50 schools in Jaipur received similar bomb threat emails.